Maintaining Healthy Trees in Permeable Tree Pits

January 29, 2025

Urban trees add life to city landscapes, as well as cooler shade, cleaner air, and greener appeal. But keeping trees healthy in such bustling environments, not to mention small holes in sidewalks, is a challenge. Permeable tree pits are one effective solution for nurturing urban trees and helping them thrive. These pits don’t limit access to abundant water and nutrients. Still, everyone and every tree needs a little help now and again. This guide breaks down the essentials of maintaining healthy trees in permeable tree pits and explores how these eco-friendly solutions are transforming urban tree care.

What Are Permeable Tree Surrounds?

If you’ve been to a big city, you probably know what tree pits are, even if you think you don’t. These pits are open areas in sidewalks and elsewhere that provide trees with a few feet of earth to grow in. Tree pits allow water, air, and nutrition to reach roots unhindered.

Once upon a time, tree pits were covered with grates or were simply open holes filled with soil—both practical but problematic solutions. Basic holes, with or without grates, fail to provide adequate water and nourishment to trees, collect debris, and create tripping hazards for passing pedestrians.

Permeable tree surrounds offer a better solution. Created from resin-bound paving material, permeable surrounds are safer, more durable, and eco-friendly. Designed as an alternative to metal tree grates , permeable tree pits help trees thrive while maintaining a clean and visually appealing appearance.

A city park showing a cobblestone street and walkway with a series of trees set in pits with metal grates beside a canal.

The Many Benefits of Permeable Tree Surrounds

Urban environments pose many unique challenges for plants, especially trees. Permeable tree surrounds offer a range of benefits that combat common problems. Below are some of the notable ways that permeable tree surrounds protect urban trees, the environment, and the people living, working, and playing around them.

Supplying More Water

Traditional tree pit setups and materials often result in water runoff, depriving trees of essential hydration. Permeable surfaces send water straight into the ground where the roots are waiting eagerly.

Enhancing Aeration

Plants produce oxygen, but they also need to breathe it. Permeable tree surrounds prevent soil compaction, ensuring tree roots have ready access to the air.

Managing Flooding

Stormwater runoff is one of the biggest banes of city living. Permeable paving prevents rainwater from flooding the gutters, sewers, and streets by letting it seep through the ground.

Being Eco-Friendly

Permeable paving eliminates the need for iron mining, which metal grates require. Reducing stormwater runoff, controlling erosion, and filtering pollutants are three other eco-friendly benefits of permeable tree pits.

Improving Safety

Resin-bound surfaces are flat and textured. As a result, they won’t make anyone trip, and they provide traction even when wet.

Lasting Longer

As strong as they are, metal grates may lift or buckle over time, posing tripping hazards. Porous resin-bound materials, on the other hand, stay level and secure. Resin-bound paving materials last longer and withstand significant use and exposure to the elements.

Having Flexible Design Options

Get ready to access a rainbow of colors and styles! With multiple aggregate shapes and colors, permeable paving permits customizable designs that fit seamlessly into any environment.

Maintaining Healthy Trees in Permeable Tree Surrounds

If you’re in charge of maintaining healthy trees in permeable tree pits , here are six essential steps to keep in mind.

Perform Regular Cleaning and Debris Removal

Trash is inevitable in the city, whether it’s paper, plastic, or organic matter. Over time, debris like leaves and garbage accumulates in tree pits, preventing water and air from reaching the roots. Periodic gathering of this debris helps the permeable tree surround remain functional.

Once you’ve cleared the debris, use leaves, twigs, and other organic matter for composting, and recycle whatever other trash you can. Next, clean the surround with a good scrub. Just remember to go easy and to not use harsh tools or cleaners that might damage or dislodge bits of the pavement.

Monitor Watering Patterns

While it might seem like you can leave trees to fend for themselves where water is concerned, you have to make sure they’re getting enough. Monitor water levels. During dry spells, take time to water the trees now and again. Conversely, if the rain keeps coming and drenches the area, try to minimize the amount the trees receive. Otherwise, they may develop root rot and other conditions that stem from overwatering.

Watch for Damage

City life can be tough on everything, trees included. Generally, permeable paving takes whatever a city dishes out, but everything eventually wears down. Monitor permeable tree pits for damage from foot traffic, accidents, nearby construction, and other things. Repair any damage in the resin-bound layer so it stays both intact and permeable.

Add Nutrients When Necessary

Healthy soil means healthy trees. Have an arborist inspect the trees and test the soil to ensure they’re receiving enough of everything they need. If the soil doesn’t contain enough natural nutrients, you can spike it with slow-release fertilizers or compost.

A city's skyline, slightly out of focus, visible through a group of tree branches that are flocked with green leaves.

Prune Carefully

Take a little off the top and sides, or wherever else a tree might need a trim! Pruning branches improves air circulation and directs energy toward healthier growth. Schedule regular pruning to encourage a fuller, healthier tree canopy.

Upgrade as Needed

Sometimes, tree pits require tweaks and improvements to accommodate growing roots, expanding trunks, and the like. This is another great reason why permeable paving is a good alternative to metal tree grates —it allows for upgrades without damaging the tree. Remove, repair, or replace the paving as necessary to let the tree continue to grow upward and outward!

Better Tree Care for Urban Landscapes

Permeable tree surrounds promote healthier trees and lovelier urban environments. By incorporating eco-friendly and durable permeable paving solutions, gardeners, landscapers, and city planners can bring trees, bushes, and other types of greenery to the busiest cityscapes!

Do you want to learn more about these and other permeable paving solutions? Contact us at Rockpave today for a consultation. Whether you’re caring for saplings or old-growth trees, sustainable paving is almost always the best choice. Review our website for our products and services, and let us know how we can help you.

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