Many types of pavement options exist, including concrete, asphalt, and permeable paving. Each has uses and benefits, but permeable paving systems stand out as a unique option. This article will cover the purpose of permeable paving and how it works.
The main benefit and purpose of this type of paving is that it lets water run through. A lot of pavement options cause water buildup and runoff, as the water can’t get below the pavement. This creates large puddles and potential hazards on and around the pavement. Permeable paving mitigates this issue by letting the water drain no matter where it gathers on the pavement.
One of the many benefits of permeable pavement is that it’s incredibly versatile. You can install this material over a wide range of groundwork types, including asphalt, timber, concrete, and footpaths. In some cases, you may need to use a Fibregrid layer between the ground material and the permeable paving solution to prevent slippage. Still, your permeable top of choice will handle most of the draining work.
Your permeable paving is designed with several small channels or pores on its surface, allowing water to flow directly through its aggregate layer. The water also flows through a Fibregrid before funneling back into the ground. This provides you with more control over how much runoff you experience in your installation areas.
Preventing water accumulation on pavement is important for the safety of people and vehicles. However, runoff is a big problem, as you want that rain back in the water table as soon as possible. Permeable pavement helps water enter the water table through the ground, which strains pollutants as the water enters the soil.
This is what you should know about permeable paving systems and how they work if you’re thinking of adding this pavement to your home or business. Understanding its benefits and how it works can help you make informed decisions about the value of permeable pavement.